Delicata Squash - Healthy (and Easy) Lunch Ideas

Easy and Healthy Lunch Idea to try!
Delicata squash is considered a winter squash along with its cousins, which include butternut squash, spaghetti squash, and acorn squash. Delicata has a thinner skin and a smaller, more oblong shape, so it’s much easier to handle than the others.
1 delicata squash, medium size Mixed greens salad Cherry tomatoes Cucumbers Red peppers Carrots White Mushrooms Lemon vinaigrette contains lemon juice, olive oil, garlic powder, honey mustard Salt Pepper Olive Oil
1. Slice and de-seed delicate squash into half moon shapes.
2. Sprinkle salt, pepper, and some brown sugar if you like, then bake with olive oil at 350 for 10-12 minutes.
3. Mix your salad with chopped veggies, fruits, nuts.
4. Lemon dressing is my favorite and super easy to make with ingredients above, mix with spoon.
5. Pull delicate squash after 12 minutes and texture should be easy to squish but not soggy.